Saturday, April 9, 2011

kissing stress goodbye

BIG things to come... this is going to be a huge summer! i am SO excited! in short, a few of my best friends are getting married, moving away from utah, and having babies (including my sister who is having a baby girl in july!) there's even more than that happening but i'll explain later:) anyways it seems as if this is the summer everyone is taking the next big step!
the only way i can start this eventful summer, i've realized is to eliminate some mega stress. it's been a crazy couple of weeks, hence my lack of blogging.  
the first big step to do this was quitting my job. so today was my last day working at buckle. it was a really fun couple of years.. i've grown a lot as a person and made some grrrreat friends! however, not working is going to make a huge difference in my life. i can study for finals full time and focus on my grades again:)as well as plan and prepare for the things this summer brings. 
what am i going to do with all my free time aside from studying for finals? well that's simple. i can finally finish my book :) make it to the gym everyday, spend more time with my family and travel.
I feel so free.

1 comment:

  1. I love the posts you do on your life!! You guys aren't even that far away and even though Matt and Zack talk all the time, I feel so oblivious. It's super interesting and fun to read =) Love it!
