Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love the one your with

let's celebrate 
loving each other
friendship and
who we are..
whether you've 
found that someone
or your
finding yourself
we have today
to express our love
for myself this means..
wrapping your arms 
tight around your man 
kissing him and
 really meaning it
 or if there is no man yet
 ..kissing a stranger
to make your
day more exciting
 watching an old classic
 running away to a
place where you can be 
feeling those 
butterflies again
oh and of course, chocolate.
thank you valentines day 
for another excuse to 
indulge in your own  box
of chocolates.. 
 and one of my favorites..
memories, happy times
captured moments
 real love stories
 the different ways 
we express our love
 spending time with friends
who we love and adore
 some of my 
favorite valentines
are the creative ones
the homemade cards
and handwritten letters
hand picked flowers
and last minute roses
 because it's about us..
expressing our love
to the greatest people in our lives 
 thank you love day


  1. looove this!
    so sick of those people that have a bad attitude about valentines!
    its a good day:)

  2. thanks lover! i agree :) it's just a fun holiday why not make the best of it?!

  3. I love you! Did you like your cookie necklace and your CoCo's? :)

  4. best valentines EV!! love you honey :)
